Lets talk Bed Bugs

No one wants nasty guests in their bed. Bed bugs are great hitchhikers. They hide on anything possible to travel from hotel to hotel to even your own home. There is nothing worse than having a vacation or trip ruined by these pesky little things. Follow these recommendations to prevent these un-welcomed guests crawling into bed with you.


Necessary tools:

Flash light and credit card or hotel key card. The flashlight will help you spot any signs of the bug. You can use the flashlight mode on your cell phone to help with this. Bed bugs like to come out in the dark, so shining the light on them will make it easier to spot. The card will be able to fit practically everywhere a bed bug can fit. Sliding the card along cracks and crevices will push the bugs out. Ew gross, I know!


What to look for:

Bed bugs are four to five millimeters in size. They are close to the size of a pearl. They have an oval- shaped body that allows them to hide in very small places. Their bodies are typically brown or red. As they come out at night, they can still be spotted during the day if you do some digging. They leave traces of their presence around. This could be stains of blood, white eggs which are about the size of a grain of sand, or dark almost black stains which happens when the bug excretes after a meal. These guys are good at hide and go seek so, really put effort into looking for their hideout.

Step one: Keep everything away from the bed

When you first get into your hotel room, the first thing you want to do is throw your luggage down and jump into bed. Bad idea! If there are bed bugs present in the room, throwing your bags on the floor or near the bed is an open invitation for bed bugs to hitch a ride back to your house! To prevent this, put your luggage on the rack far away from the bed or put your luggage in the bathroom. This is one area of the room that is cleaned thoroughly. If you want to take one more additional step, you can can carry along a large plastic bag to help keep your luggage sealed. This might seem over the top however, this can really help prevent bringing these little creatures home with you. 

Photo Credit: Bedbugs.org


Step 2: Check the room

Bed bugs tend to live near their food, which is us. GAG! In a hotel, guests typically lay in bed even when they are not sleeping in a hotel room. Search within a 7 foot radius around the bed. They don’t just hide on the beds. The mattress and frame is the typical area for the bed bug to be but that does not limit them to just that area. Other furniture and carpet could also be places for them to hide. Bed bugs can fit into tight crevices which is why the frame and other furniture are great options for them. The flash light and card will come in handy while looking at all the crevices and corners throughout the room.  On the mattress, you’ll need to check all corners and crevices and seams. They could be tucked in on any part of the mattress. Stripping the bed will help looking for these bugs. Checking the sheets is also a good idea. This is where you will be able to see any stains that the bug has left behind. Check the seams of the carpet around the bed, behind the sidetable and if there is a fabric chair or couch close by be sure to give that a good looking over as well.

Photo Credit: Bedbugs.org


Step 3: Any Presence of bugs

If you suspect any bed bugs after these steps, run! Go to the hotel front desk and request a different room in a different part of the hotel. Don’t feel bad about asking for a new room. It is not worth the risk of getting bitten by these gross creatures and bringing them home with you to share with family.

Photo credit: Future of Business and Tech


Do you have a bed bug story? Please share with us in the comments section. We would love to learn from people who have experienced these first hand.


Pillow Expert Tips on Fluffing Down and Feather Pillows

Whether your down and feather pillow is brand new or a pillow you have
loved for years, the thing they both have in common is they must be
fluffed. Did you know there is actually some tips and tricks you MUST
know to get the best support out of your down and feather pillow?
There is! Let’s start at the beginning.

Brand new down and feather pillow

When you buy your new down and feather pillow from Pillows.com, it
will arrive compressed. Most the air has been removed from inside the
pillow and the down and feathers have now fallen flat. Don’t let this
scare you. All this new pillow needs is some good fluffing.

Step 1 – Take the pillow out of the packaging. Start pushing some air
into the pillow by grabbing the fabric on each side of the pillow and
fan them in and out like a bellow. This will push strong blasts of air
inside the pillow and give those down and feathers some life. This
first fluffing may take some extra time since you need to push a lot
of air into it. After you do this step for a few minutes, you should
notice a big difference in the pillows loft. If you got a larger
pillow size like a queen or king, follow these steps and then place
your pillow in the dryer on low or no heat and run the cycle for 20

Pillow in Pillows.com packaging

Step 2 – PILLOW PROTECTORS are down and feather pillows’ best friend.
These perfectly tight fitting cotton cases will insure your pillow
doesn’t fall flat. You use these with a normal pillowcase. Place your
pillow inside the pillow protector and then put your pillowcase over
that. Not only will your pillow have better support but it will help
protect your down and feather pillow and help it last longer.

Down and Feather (Pillowtex 75/25) fluffed and in Pillowtex Pillow Protector. Links down below in blog.

Getting your lofty full pillow inside a pillow protector and pillowcase can sometimes be hard. I learned a new trick to make it easier! Look! 

Step 1. Fold pillow in half and grab the corners. Place pillow in protector and then let go!
Step 2. Zip up protector
Step 3. Repeat step 1 and place pillow in pillowcase next.

Daily fluffing steps

Step 1 – While your pillow is inside the pillow protector and
pillowcase, do a few quick “bellow” fluffing movements. Grab the
fabric on each side of the pillow and fan them in and out to give some
strong blasts of air into the pillow. Rotate pillow and do again.
Shake the pillow up a little to get the filling to move around. We
want those down and feathers to not stick to each other.

Step 2  – Grab the top of the fabric of the opening of the pillowcase
and do a shake down motion. This will help the pillow to settle down
deep into the pillowcase and give us extra fabric to do the “hotel
pillowcase fold”

Shake down the pillow to the bottom and pull up any extra pillowcase fabric to the top


Step 3 – This hotel housekeeping trick really makes a difference! Once
you have that extra fabric pulled up, lay your pillow down and tuck in one side and fold in the other on top of that. Straighten out the edges and that’s it! Voila! A perfectly fluffed and folded down and feather pillow that will support you all night long. Once you get used
to doing this, it should take about a minute to complete and will
truly make your pillow that much better!

Tuck in the top part first
Fold in the bottom part of the pillowcase into the pillow
Smooth out the edges and make a clean crease
Beautiful lofty pillow fit for a five-start hotel.


*** products used in photos are the Pillowtex 75/25 in Standard Size – https://www.pillows.com/pidoandfepi.html   and the Pillowtex Pillow Protector – https://www.pillows.com/pillowtex-protectors.html

How Often Should You Replace Your Pillow?

5 Ways to Assess if Your Pillow Needs Replacing

If you can’t remember the last time you changed your pillows, know that you’re not alone. We don’t tend to think about the longevity or performance of our pillows when we lay down at night, exhausted from a long day. We’re just happy to be in bed, able to catch some shut eye – if only for a few hours. However, if you want to guarantee that the sleep you are having is top quality, that starts with your pillows.

Even though you aren’t a pillow expert, there are a few easy steps you can take to assess if your pillows are in desperate need of replacement.

Here are 5 quick tips for determining if you need some new pillows:

  1. The Fold Test: Take your pillow, and attempt to fold it in half. If you fold it in half and your pillow quickly bounces back into shape once you let go, chances are you have a few more months with that pillow. However, if your pillow fails to assume its prior shape, and slumps sadly onto the bed, it’s definitely time to consider new, supportive pillows. These are the things that support your head throughout the night, after all.
  1. Take a Peek: Sometimes, what we can see in plain sight is telling enough. Take off the pillowcase and observe your pillows. Do you see any yellowish stains? Those stains are the result of body oils, dead skin, and dust mites building up over time – yuck! If your pillows are discolored, you definitely need some new pillows and bedding.
  1. Take a Whiff: Moving onto the next sense, smell, it’s time to get up close and personal with your pillows on a scent level. Take your pillows and smell them. If they have an odor, it’s likely due to a bacteria build-up over time. That’s both disgusting and detrimental to you and your partner’s health. Time for some new, bacteria-free pillows.
  1. Feel It: Now it’s time to really feel around at the composition of your pillows. When you take and touch your pillow, can you feel lumps or feathers poking out of the pillow? Do you see foam or batting? If yes, that means your pillow has lost the supportive structure it once had. If the pillow is unable to contain its composition, it most certainly is unable to support your head and shoulders.


  1. Sleep Quality Test: This one is more figurative in nature. Sit down and really ponder if you are catching quality sleep at night. Do you wake up with a sore neck or headaches in the morning? Are you tossing and turning all night, struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position with your pillow? Is your pillow giving you the support it used to, a long time ago? If you suspect your pillow is linked to your sleep quality, it’s time for pillow replacement.


Here at Pillows.com, we’re happy to provide you with new, clean, structurally sound pillows that are complementary to a sound night of sleep.



