How to Stay Healthy on Vacation

It’s that time of year when most are planning their vacation which means a time to indulge in drinks and delicious food that may or may not be so healthy. It is also a time to get the most out of your vacation which means a lack in sleep as well. Here are a few ways to make your vacation as awesome as possible without damaging your health too much. It is also important not to break too many habits away from home.

Sleep is probably the biggest factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on vacation. Most people tend to make sleep the least of their priorities since they want to get the most time and fun out of their vacation. What you don’t know is that this can impact your sleeping habits back at home once your no longer on vacation. Ultimately, this can lead to mood swings, poor health, and even memory loss.  Sleep is the most important factor in maintaining sound mind and sound body and has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease over a long period of time.  Try to maintain the sleeping patterns used while at home.

vacation sleep blog

While on vacation it’s important to include a “sleep vacation” as well. This means listening to your body when you start to get tired and choosing that time as a consistent bed time. Do not use an alarm clock to wake up. Vacations are a great way to establish a pattern of sleeping that you can even take home if your personal life is hectic. The benefits of sleep vacation allow you to find out how much sleep you really need, establish a sleep pattern, and pay back sleep debt. You will also start to feel sharper, happier, and healthier. The next step is to make sure you continue to this patter.

Other factors that can lead to unhealthy sleep while on vacation are the consumption of alcoholic beverages and unhealthy foods. Sure it ok to splurge a little while on vacation but it’s important to keep in mind that alcohol inhibits your body from getting actual REM sleep. And junk food can sometimes make you feel full and gross which in turn can keep you up at night. Remember, that you can always ask for custom foods and drink in moderation.

healhty on vacation- no alcohol

Vacations are a great time to let loose, party, meet new people, enjoy company, and just have a great time. It is also a time to relax, catch up on some zzz’s and enjoy life without feeling worked. Take the opportunity and allow your body to rejuvenate by allowing it the proper sleep it needs. You will wake feeling happier, healthier, and you will enjoy your vacation that much more.

Blog Author: Jesse, Channel Manager

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