Interesting, Fun and Weird Non-Traditional Alarm

If you are anything like me, you are prone to setting an alarm and hitting snooze three to four times before actually waking up to get ready for the day. This is exceptionally true for those who sleep with a more traditional alarm clock that allows you to hit the snooze button as many times as you would like. For me, the toughest part of waking up is physically getting out of bed due to being so comfortable. Below is a list of non-traditional alarm clocks that require you to get out of bed and require some mental exercise to get you to wake up and start the day.

Weight Mat Alarm Clock– This is for the people who are awake mentally when the alarm clock goes off but would rather stay in their comfy oasis of blankets and softness. The Weight Mat Alarm clock is a rug that displays the time in the center of the rug and has a built in alarm clock. When the alarm sounds it forces you to get out of bed and step on the mat to turn it off.

carpet alarm |

Puzzle Alarm Clock– This particular Alarm requires using your mental capabilities that you lack after just waking up. When the alarm sounds the pieces of a puzzle go flying in the air, and you have to return the colored shapes to the correct places in order to shut it off. This will get you noodle engine running in time to start the day off.

Puzzle clock |

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